Monday 19 November 2018

7 Tips on Holding an Intervention by David Marion

Does your loved one deny her addiction? Is she reluctant to seek help for her disease? Is she beyond the point of making sound decisions?

Then, it’s time to stage an intervention -

Do interventions work? Yes, it can help boost your loved one’s chances of recovery dramatically. Interventions are a proven recovery strategy.

David Marion's 7 Steps to Stage a Drug Intervention, David L Marion's Step to a Successful Drug Intervention

Does your loved one deny her addiction? Is she reluctant to seek help for her disease? Is she beyond the point of making sound decisions?

Then, it’s time to stage an intervention.

Do interventions work? Yes, it can help boost your loved one’s chances of recovery dramatically.

Follow these 7 steps to properly stage an intervention -

Thursday 15 November 2018

7 Step Guide on How to Stage a Drug Intervention

Does your loved one deny her addiction? Is she reluctant to seek help for her disease? Is she beyond the point of making sound decisions?
Then, it’s time to stage an intervention.
Do intervention work? Yes, it can help boost your loved one’s chances of recovery dramatically. Interventions are a proven recovery strategy.
Interventions show addicts that loved ones are concerned. They spell out the impact his addiction had on family and friends. And they provide a way to encourage and gently push the loved ones to seek treatment.
But not all interventions are the same. Nor do they all happen in the same order or the same steps. Many specialists believe interventions work best when tailored to an individual or a family’s needs. Whatever the case, they can help addicts seek treatment if the intervention is successful.
Below are some critical steps on how to stage a drug intervention.
The key to performing a successful intervention is to remain calm throughout and speak respectfully—even when tempers flare. Staying calm and respectful can help you convince the addict to seek the help he or she needs.
1.Plan your intervention
Conducting an intervention just doesn't magically happen. You need to plan them out thoroughly. Decide who you want to take part in the process as well as where and when you want it to take place. Also, decide how you’ll get the addict to the location. Make sure each person participating in the meeting chooses what he or she will say and rehearses it.
2.Unite those affected by addiction
Addiction impacts more than just the addict. Include these people in the intervention. Contact co-workers, significant others, family, friends — anyone affected by the addict's actions and willing to share his or her story with the addict. Each person will take turns addressing the addict.
3. Select a private setting for the intervention
This step, like many in the process, is critical. It can be at a friend’s or a relative’s, or even the addict’s home. Make sure it’s convenient, provides plenty of space, and affords privacy. Also, make sure it’s somewhere where the addict will not suspect an intervention will take place. You never want the addict to suspect an intervention will occur. Catching the addict off guard is critical.
4. Have everyone there waiting
One or more members of the intervention will need to get the addict to the planned location. Make sure everyone is waiting when he or she gets there. If you have an intervention specialist there, he or she can help convince the addict to stay and listen. Once you do that, have each person address the addict and tell them the impact of his or her addiction on the speaker’s lives.
5. Talk to the person behind the addiction
The person you’re trying to reach has no control over their condition. That’s something everyone in the intervention needs to realize and keep in mind. The person they know before is still there deep inside, but be ready for a backlash during the meeting. Remember, it’s not the loved-one talking, it’s the alcohol or drug.
6. Present the facts clearly but lovingly
Among the most critical steps in intervention is to present the facts clearly but lovingly. Make sure the loved one understands exactly they’ve done and how it affected family and friends. It provides evidence for the idea that their disease has gotten to the point where they need help but you need to do it without making them feel like you are attacking them.
7. Present an ultimatum to the addict
The intervention may last for a while. Before it ends, make sure you present the addict with an ultimatum. He either enters a treatment facility, or he faces certain consequences. They need to realize that if they refuse they may forfeit things like financial support, other people covering for them, maybe even banning them from family functions
Holding an intervention can dramatically boost your loved one’s chances of recovering. So, don’t be afraid to consult drug intervention specialist if need be. A specialist can help you plan and stage a successful intervention — one that gets your loved one to seek help.
And don't give up if the loved one refuses to go to treatment. Your loved one may approach you later after thinking about it. The bottom line: You can't force someone into treatment, but you can be there when your loved one is ready to do it.


Thursday 1 November 2018

In Recovery: How Getting Active Can Help

For the millions of Americans who are in substance abuse recovery, it’s important to find ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and the symptoms of depression in healthy ways in order to avoid relapse. Getting your life back on track after a period of addiction takes time, so learning how to handle the more difficult aspects of life will help you stay on track and keep you motivated.
There are many different treatments and methods you can try once you make the decision to get sober, but one of the most utilized is very simple: exercise. Getting active or spending time outdoors can help boost your mental health, keep you fit, and add structure to your day, allowing you to always know what comes next. Physical fitness has so many benefits, not the least of which is the ability to focus on all aspects of your health and create a long-term plan for feeling better.
Keep reading for some great tips on how to get active during your recovery journey.
Know the benefits
Getting out into nature is one of the best ways to reduce stress and anxiety, but it can also have a positive effect on your physical health. People who live in an area where there is no green space around are more often linked to depression, cancer, ADHD, and a higher risk of disease, whereas those who live close to nature typically have a stronger immune system and aren’t as prone to physical or mental illness.
Do something you enjoy
For some people, the idea of getting active when they’re tired after a long day is stressful in itself, so it’s important to find an activity you enjoy. Whether it’s swimming, practicing yoga, playing a sport, or simply playing with your dog in the backyard, doing something fun and turning it into a workout will help you balance your physical and mental health.
Find the right workout for your needs
If you haven’t worked out in a while or if you have existing health issues, it’s important to find the right workout for your needs. Talk to your doctor about the best exercises to try at home, such as walking, weight training, and cardio, and consider setting up a small home gym. It doesn’t have to be a big, expensive endeavor; utilizing tools such as a stability ball, resistance bands, some free weights, and a yoga mat can go a long way toward helping you get fit in the comfort of your own home.
Make time to find balance
When you’re recovering from addiction, and especially when you’re adding an exercise regimen to your sobriety plan, it’s important to take time to focus on your inner self as much as your physical self. Meditation can help; it’s a great practice for people from all walks of life, but can be especially beneficial for those in recovery. It’s easy to get started, and there are a lot of helpful guided meditations you can follow that will help you find inner balance and peace. It’s important, though, to meditate in an area conducive to relaxation so you can truly focus on yourself, especially if you’re at home where distractions abound. HomeAdvisor suggests finding a quiet room or nook where there is natural or soft lighting, calming colors (like blues and greens), few or no electronics, and a natural element or two, such as a plant.
Getting active during your recovery can help in so many ways, but it’s important to make sure you’re going about it correctly. Don’t push yourself, as this can have a negative effect and keep you from reaching your goals. Talk to your doctor about your plans before you get started and make sure you’re on the same page.
