Wednesday 20 June 2018

Opiod Addiction and the Role You Can Play

When you naturally have a healing aura, you attract a lot of damaged and broken people, and having them in your life could drain your energy.
It's important to be reminded that it's not your job to heal or fix everyone you encounter.
You cannot ride around with an empty tank and you must take care of yourself as well.
With this being said, we still have a responsibility individually and collectively to the alcoholic and addict that still suffer to make sure they get the best possible help they can to recover from this seemingly hopeless state of mind, body, and spirit.
Many have been left to the wayside and at this point we had but two alternatives, one was to go on to the bitter end blotting out the consciousness of our intolerable situation as best we could and the other to accept spiritual help. (Alcoholics Anonymous pg. 25)
According to David Courtwright, a history professor at the University of North Florida, there were 313,000 people addicted to morphine and smoked opium in the United States in the late 19th century. In the United States today about 3 million people are afflicted with opioid use disorder. Although some experts say that data which is based on government surveys underestimate the number of pain patients who are addicted to their prescription pills and that number could be as high as 5 million.
If the medical community is largely responsible for this pernicious epidemic, is it because they didn't fully understand the risks of what they were truly dealing with?
When did they realize the drugs they were prescribing were getting people hooked and eventually killing them?
If they knew about this and did nothing shouldn't someone be held responsible?
As I see the problem today, the monies that are coming into the states are being fought over by law enforcement (Narcan), medical researchers, politicians, treatment centers, and Doctors. Yes, it certainly is necessary for Law Enforcement to carry Narcan and save people once they're overdosing and to study the field of addiction and how the drugs affect the brain but let not forget about the alcoholic and addict that is suffering and dying as well.
I recently spoke with a Law enforcement officer in Minneapolis who told me he's getting grief for bringing overdosed people back to life. Some said this was their decision to get high and they should be responsible for their actions and consequences attached.
I told him its very similar to a lifeguard not going into the water to save a drowning person!!!


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